NDL Advanced Universal Diver e-book
E-Book NDL Advanced Universal Diver is now available on the website in the section Theory - e-Books.
E-Book NDL Advanced Universal Diver is now available on the website in the section Theory - e-Books.
E-Book NDL Professional Buoyancy Diver is now available on the website in the section Theory - e-Books.
E-Book NDL Diver is now available on the website in the section Theory - e-Books.
Dear NDL Divers and Professionals!
New version of the National Dive League website is launched. The site is located at the same address ndl-global.com. Please familiarize!
P.S. Dear NDL Instructors! To log in your Professional Zone click on the human logo in right upper corner of the site. New site is increased security for the safety of your confidential info so it is necessary to get a new password to access the Professional Zone. To do this in Professional Zone click on the "Forgot password" and enter E-mail which you provided during registration. On E-mail you will receive a letter with the new password which you will be able to log in Professional Zone. You can replace the received password to another more convenient for you by going to a special section in Professional Zone.
Your National Dive League.
Diving for people with disabilities. ITC in Vladivostok.