Diving according to all the rules of art

About NDL
The National Dive League is an international Certification Agency that develops diving and freediving training materials and issues diving certificates.

NDL has offices and branches in Russia, the CIS countries, South Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Arab and many other countries of the world.

International training standards

The National Dive League is a full member of the European Underwater Federation (EUF) and its programs comply with international ISO and EN standards.

Compliance with the highest ISO and EN standards means that your instructor qualification is internationally recognized, and your students will receive an international diver certificate and will be able to dive in any part of the world without any problems.
E-textbooks are at free access
Your students can refresh the theoretical part of the course by entering the appropriate section of the NDL website for free and reading the e-textbook thereof.

Mandatory purchase of textbooks is not required! All textbooks are at free access in different languages.
Convenient certification
Upon completion of training, your student will receive the Diver Certificate in electronic and plastic form.

It is not required to pay extra money for an electronic certificate! Both plastic and electronic certificates are included in the cost of certification (25 USD).

On the NDL website, your student will be entered into the international database of divers. In case he/she has forgotten the certificate at home, the confirmation can be found directly on the NDL website.
Bonus programs
2 bonus programs are available for NDL instructors.
More certificates - less price
The more students you teach, the lower the cost of certification is (up to 20% lower than the initial cost!).
Discounts for trained and engaged professionals
If you have trained an NDL professional or have encouraged him/her to become an NDL professional, you will receive bonus points to your account with each amount paid by him/her in the NDL, which you can use to pay for your certificates and annual fees.
You have invited your friend to become an NDL professional.
Becoming a professional, your friend pays fees to the NDL.
With each payment he/she made, you get bonus points and can pay with them on the NDL website.

Unique training programs
There is an instructor manual with a detailed description of the theoretical and practical training plan for each NDL course.

These manuals are unique and elaborate, and have no analogues in other organizations: a detailed plan of each lecture and the procedure for each practical skill are described in addition to the general standards for each course.

All this creates the most convenient and effective tool for teaching your students.
Registration of diving center
Each diving center and NDL instructor has their own page on the NDL website, where he/she/it can post information about himself/herself/itself. This information is at free access and is essentially an advertisement for the club or instructor

Registration and renewal of the NDL diving center status is free!
Our other advantages
In addition to the above, the NDL advantages are:
Operational work of the certification office
Certificates are sent once a week. All certificates are sent by registered mail and the location of each certificate can always be tracked.
You can always contact the NDL office in any way and get an answer to your question promptly.
A unique tutorial on children's diving
The National Dive League developed the world's only textbook on children's diving, which takes into account the specifics of teaching children to dive.
A unique tutorial on ice diving
The National Dive League developed the first in the world textbook on amateur ice diving, which is based, among other things, on the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia standards for diving under the ice.
Other advantages of the NDL
The NDL created a unique program for teaching disabled people to dive, in the development of which candidates and doctors of medical sciences of the Federal Scientific Center for rehabilitation of disabled people named after G. A. Albrecht took part.
There is a branch of courses and a textbook on technical diving. And much more.

Reasonable prices
There are no hidden and additional fees in the NDL. All prices are transparent.
Certification fee
Divemaster annual fee
Instructor annual fee
Mandatory purchase by professionals of any additional materials is not required in the NDL.

You can download all additional materials from the Professional Zone on the NDL website for free and print them by yourself if required.

In Professional Zone NDL available for download layouts, posters, instructor seals, logbook, gift certificates and much more.
A unified underwater family

The main objective of the NDL is to create a unified diving community, to ensure safety in scuba diving and to protect the environment.

The safety of the underwater world and the safety of people in it - that is really important to us.
Read about the crossover
You can find detailed crossover procedure by filling in the contact form below.
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